News Listing


Since everyone tends to take time off during the holiday season, it’s the one time of year you can’t rely on your team to fill in for you. Fortunately, the right mix of tech tools can put the integral parts of your business on autopilot so everyone can step away and enjoy the festivities with their loved ones.

Here are the key areas to optimize before the holiday season:

Certified Professional in Catering and Events (CPCE)

The Certified Professional in Catering and Events (CPCE) is a nationally recognized program and the mark of excellence for catering and event professionals.


NACE Business Communities are here! This new member benefit helps you grow your business, find solutions and unleash your creativity. Best of all, they're accessible in the NACE Net app or on the web!


Well, that was a doozy. While the pandemic hit a lot of industries hard, the wedding industry was brought almost to a grinding halt. Venues were closed, dates postponed and some marriages were even called off altogether! Yikes. So what does that mean for the soonly-weds whose weddings were pushed into the oblivion of limbo again and again? It means they are tired; tired, burnt out, and probably ...


If you’ve been skipping social advertising in your business, keep reading because you can still find success with ads. It may not be as quick or easy now, but social ads are still very effective in raising brand awareness and even driving traffic and inquiries. Here are three strategies that still work in the aftermath of the game-changing iOS14 update.


Elections for the 2023 National Board of Directors were held on Sunday, July 24. Members elected will begin their terms on January 1, 2023.


NACE's member-organized communities provide a space for people to network and talk about industry topics important to them. They add to the strength of NACE by giving members a way to self-organize community where they find it beneficial, and they add to the value of NACE and help us grow our membership.


While you may love booking six and seven-figure weddings, it’s important to recognize the extra care and attention luxury clients expect at every turn of the planning process. If you’re ready to take the plunge, here are the two most important rules to remember when operating in the high-end wedding market:


We're excited to announce this year's NACE One Award Nominees! 


elow are three simple ways you can actually increase the long-term success rate of your couples. A flawless big day and a love that lasts happily ever after? Something tells me that after implementing these techniques, your calendar will be booked solid!