News Listing


A message from the new president Amber Allen, CPCE


For restaurant owners, managers, and all of us who care about those who make it possible to enjoy a meal out, cooking burnout is a pressing problem. So, why does chef burnout happen, and what can be done to avoid cooking burnout? Let’s dig into it.


From setting tables to prepping garnishes for the bar, there are lots of steps that go into setting up for a banquet. Read on to learn about steps you won’t want to miss when helping set up your next event!


This will be my last official post to you as the 2022 NACE National President.


If you haven’t mapped out your client onboarding processes, there’s no better time than the present. Strong client onboarding makes it more likely your clients will stick around — and, in turn, more inclined to refer your business to others. As a result, you establish a loyal client base while generating new leads on autopilot.


It might seem daunting, but knowledge is your ally. There are several things you need to keep in mind when hiring catering staff, from the size of the event to the budget, along with qualifications and certifications. So, what can you do to ensure everything goes smoothly? It’s time to take a look at five key things to keep in mind to hire catering staff without a hitch.


As we prepare for 2023, now’s the perfect time to reflect on how to boost your industry standing and ensure your business thrives during peak and off-seasons. Whether you're new to the events world or an experienced entrepreneur, one fact is certain – building relationships with creative partners is a must. When you establish a strong rapport with your colleagues, you can expect friendships with a ...


With so many competitors on the market, you might be struggling with how to get catering clients. In this guide, we’ll provide detailed strategies you can use to acquire new catering clients and grow your services. Ready to set your business apart from competitors?


There’s something special about the feeling of fall. Between the changing leaves and cooler weather, there’s a greater appreciation for the outdoors everywhere we go. This is one of the reasons why it’s an ideal time to bring elements of the outdoors inside. Earth tones and natural textures can make attendees feel like they’re tied in with nature. 
Let’s look at how to use the season to find ...


Every time a season changes, we can welcome a new level of variety to the world. Our most recent transformation, from summer to fall, is no exception. Cooler weather, vibrant leaves, and the excitement of a new year on the horizon make the fall season a refreshing contrast after summer. 

Much in the same way that homeowners can reflect the change of season with their decor, your events can ...